Kirpykla yra viena labiausiai dėmesio sulaukiančių grožio institucijų. Jeigu daugelis gali gyventi be kosmetologo arba manikiūristės, tai be kirpyklos, deja, retas. Juk mūsų šukuosena labai daug pasako apie mus, apie mūsų dėmesį bei rūpestį sau. O kirptis pačiam, deja, ne išeitis, kadangi dažnai rezultatas būna toks prastas, kad tenka lindėti namuose, kol plaukai atauga. Kirpykla Skaityk toliau
Stories in English
Airiška tradicija – kuomet vyrui peršasi moteris
Manote, moterys nesiperša? Tik ne airės! Ir iš tiesų, ši istorija labai įdomi, kilusi dar V amžiuje, ir jau kelis šimtmečius vis dar gyva tradicija. Be to, ji žinoma taip pat ir kaimyninėje Anglijoje bei tolimojoje Amerikoje. O vėliau Škotijoje moterų galimybė pirštis vyrams buvo net patvirtinta įstatymu, kuriuo oficialiai buvo įtvirtintas moterų piršimosi faktas. Skaityk toliau
6 Major Benefits of CBD Oil
CBD oil is gaining popularity because of the several health benefits it offers to the body. This is oil that is sourced from hemp. The oil contains Cannabidiol (CBD) that does not make you feel high or have any psychoactive effects. CBD works with receptors found in your brain to allow relaxation and allow other Skaityk toliau
Amazing places in Lithuania worth visiting
Lithuania has lots to offer, so planning a holiday here, decide what you are interested in and plan your time. Anyway, if you are still not sure about your preferences or you are on a tight schedule, 5 incredible sites are absolute musts: Grutas Park is a unique museum near Druskininkai. Museum was established in 2001 as a Skaityk toliau
Crazy child birthday party ideas
Kids birthday party is an important event to the child. All the attention must be given to the lucky boy or girl which celebrates his or her birthday. Adults, however, must remain in the second plan. Overwhelming children party with official speeches or trying to show up in front of other parents may lead to Skaityk toliau
Google redirect virus
Google redirect virus is a sort of browser hijacker virus. It has other names such as TDSS, Alureon, or Tidserv. The most common name is Google redirect virus. Once infected it changes the setting of the browser and when user uses the Google search, it redirects some search results to some suspicious websites with ads. Skaityk toliau
Would you invest in green energy industry using blockchain and cryptocurrency?
Green energy usage is just shamefully vague. Only 20 percent of all energy produced Worldwide is green. Majority of the World leaders admit that to stop climate change, we should focus on renewable energy in the first place. Their talks are loud and motivating only in climate change conferences, but it will take decades to Skaityk toliau